On child-friendly activities, contractual releases, and choice of forum: part 6 (the end!)¹

On child-friendly activities, contractual releases, and choice of forum: part 6 (the end!)¹

On child-friendly activities, contractual releases, and choice of forum: part 6 (the end!)¹

Published on:

25 Feb 2025


min read


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This article is part of a series. View related content below:

This article is part of a series. View related content below:

Image credit: Vlad Dediu; https://www.pexels.com/photo/men-fighting-in-the-ring-2581662/

On child-friendly activities, contractual releases, and choice of forum: part 6 (the end!)¹

The story so far:
- brought my kids to a temporary indoor playground in a mall;
- had to fill in an online waiver form before unleashing my brood;
- actually bothered to read the legalese; and
- am now letting my nerd flag fly.


In this post, we'll conclude with a couple more things to look out for when entering into cross-border contracts and transactions.

2️⃣ Pay particular attention to your dispute resolution clauses.

I have previously written at length² about how dispute resolution clauses are commonly overlooked, despite their central importance if a dispute arises.

I won't repeat myself here.

And if you think that you don't need to pay attention to these clauses, because you'll never have to deal with a dispute...

...heck, why even bother with written contracts? You might as well conclude all your deals with a handshake and a verbal promise.

Also, do leave a comment or drop me a DM, and I'll check in with you regularly over the next few years, so you know who to look for when something blows up.

Ultimately, it's a numbers game. Do enough deals, and one day, one of them will go wrong.

And if that day comes, you'll want the dispute resolution clause to point to a battleground and ruleset that favours you.

3️⃣ If the transaction is a big deal to you, get legal advice.

(shocked pikachu face)³

Look, I'm not saying that we should engage lawyers for every single contract we enter into. After all, it hardly makes sense to consult lawyers when, say:

a) signing up for a mobile phone plan with a telco;
b) opening a new personal bank account; or
c) dropping your car off at a workshop to get the tires replaced.⁴

But think of legal advice the same way you think about, say, insurance.

You wouldn't insure, for example, a lunchbox.⁵

But you'd probably insure your home.

So, if the deal or item in question is valuable enough to you...

...get legal advice.

Heck, it costs you nothing to obtain a proposed scope of work and fee estimate.⁶

But it could save you a world of trouble.


So, uh, a confession.

I didn't expect this series to run for so long, or to take a turn towards cross-border commercial disputes. I just thought I'd have some fun taking the mickey out of some poorly-drafted clauses.

But, hey. Sometimes you write the story. Sometimes, the story writes itself.

Thank you for joining me on this ride. Until the next one.


The content of this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.


¹ Part 1: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_footnotes-law-contract-activity-7282244823066058752-ygx_
Part 2: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_footnotes-law-contract-activity-7285506099489779712-LvC6
Part 3: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_footnotes-law-contract-activity-7289495142959398913-FPJ-
Part 4: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_footnotes-law-contract-activity-7293511467390185472-LjHn
Part 5: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_footnotes-law-contract-activity-7295659637092012032-6Qij

² Part 1: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_disputeresolution-jurisdiction-designthinking-activity-7019187595947495424-PiCW
Part 2: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_disputeresolution-jurisdiction-designthinking-activity-7021374959444787200-3ME0
Part 3: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_disputeresolution-jurisdiction-designthinking-activity-7024225354437337088-qMwv
Part 4: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_disputeresolution-jurisdiction-designthinking-activity-7026040044956049408-Bi-x
Part 5: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_disputeresolution-jurisdiction-designthinking-activity-7029660220008120320-l-Ge
Part 6: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/khelvin-xu_disputeresolution-jurisdiction-designthinking-activity-7031117722432253953-xfIV

³ Yes, I'm obviously biased. So sue me.

⁴ After all, these activities all involve entering into contracts, whether written or oral.

⁵ Unless it's, I don't know, made of solid gold or something. And if so: why? Don't you have better things to do with your money?

⁶ Or at least, that's how I do things.

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