So, plot twist.

So, plot twist.

So, plot twist.

Published on:

26 Nov 2024


min read


Q: Wait, what's this?

A: So some time back, I ran for The Law Society of Singapore Council elections, as a Middle Category candidate.¹ 4 of us contested for 1 slot.² I was unsuccessful.³

Q: Ok, but what's this table below then? Why have you been listed as one of 19 members of the Council? Is this fake news?

A: So as it turns out, there are 22 members of the Council, comprising 15 elected members and 7 statutory members.⁴ The 7 statutory members include up to 3 members appointed by the Council...

...and there was a vacancy.

Q: Right, so there was an available slot for co-option by the Council?

A: Yup. After the Council was constituted, members nominated candidates for the statutory appointment, and there was a vote.

The outcome? Well, I'm now the latest new addition to the Council.⁵

Q: Woah! But did you have a choice in the matter?

A: Of course I did.

Actually, co-option didn't even cross my mind until some time after the election. It was only when I was subsequently approached that I considered the matter.

But it didn't take long to make a decision. After all, the election outcome doesn't change my motivations for putting myself up for election, to:
- serve the community;
- speak up for the sandwich generation of lawyers; and
- help members build capabilities and practice sustainably.

And when I was approached about the possibility of serving on the Council, if I had refused to stand up and be counted, but decided to throw my toys out of the pram instead...

...what kind of hypocrite would that make me?

So, yes. Since I've been called, I choose to serve.

Q: So what's next?

A: Probably lots of hard work. Let's roll.


A shout-out as well to my fellow Council members, Lisa SAM Hui Min, Engelin Teh SC, Boon Teck Chia, Michael S Chia, Lim Seng Siew, Joseph W W Liow, Daniel Koh,⁶ Samuel Chacko, Nicholas Narayanan, Jason Chan, Remy Choo Zheng Xi, Christine Low, Benjamin Foo (符国政), Darryl Chew, Thaddaeus Tan, Wuei Phoon, Muhamad Ashraf, and Mori Ong 翁馨 - thank you for your trust, and I look forward to working with you.

And for those of you who were disappointed with the election outcome, and would have liked to have me as your voice and hands on the Council... hey, who would have thought it? Moving forward, I guess hitting me up for coffee⁷ may not be a complete waste of time after all.


The content of this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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