On marking meaningful milestones.

On marking meaningful milestones.

On marking meaningful milestones.

Published on:

5 Aug 2024


min read


Lead photo: taken on a Friday morning at the Singapore Wake Park. A pretty good way to end the week.

On marking meaningful milestones.

So in the blink of an eye, I've hit the 6-month mark with Covenant Chambers LLC.

But somehow, it feels like it's been longer¹ - perhaps because of just how eventful, jam-packed, and exciting it's been.

On reflection, I'm thankful for the many experiences and opportunities that have come my way because of this professional move. In no particular order, I've:

1️⃣ been building a new and growing team;²
2️⃣ had a number of conflict and co-counsel briefs come in;³
3️⃣ taken up several speaking and media engagements;⁴
4️⃣ gotten to know dozens of new colleagues;⁵
5️⃣ engaged in numerous candid and meaningful conversations with fellow practitioners on what we do, why we do it, how we do it, and how we want to do it;⁶
6️⃣ exercised a higher level of financial discipline;⁷
7️⃣ internalised a business owner mentality;⁸
8️⃣ been exercising more consistently than I have for the last half decade;⁹ and
9️⃣ together with my new colleagues, come in 1st at The Law Society of Singapore pub quiz 2024.¹⁰

I am very grateful for the overwhelming support and encouragement from all quarters. And that includes you, dear reader, for bothering to read this far.

Here's to the next 6 months. The adventure has only just begun.


The content of this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.


¹ Ronald JJ Wong says that it feels like it's been 2 years, because I keep disturbing him with admin, briefs, and practice-related stuff. Well, too bad - with great power (as the Deputy Managing Director) comes great responsibility.

² And a special note of thanks to Rebecca Soh, who has hit the ground running and already proven herself many times over.

³ There are certain briefs you just don't get approached for, or have to turn down, if you're operating out of a big firm.

⁴ At least a couple of them are linked to the professional move.

⁵ Yes, I certainly would have gotten to know more new colleagues if I hadn't moved. But probably not in such numbers and with the current degree of closeness.

⁶ Because, for what it's worth, several folks were interested to find out more about the reasons behind the professional move, the pros and cons, and the thought process leading up to the move.

⁷ Which is required if one wishes to trade a steady guaranteed paycheck for... something else.

⁸ It's one thing to have a revenue target. It's another thing to be responsible for your own business unit: P&L, payroll, cashflow... the list goes on.

⁹ So some of you will be wondering what this has to do with the professional move. A valid query.

Over Chinese New Year, I casually mentioned to a cousin (who Debra Tong will be very familiar with) that I was in midst of a professional transition. When he heard that my new offices were at Clarke Quay Central, his eyes lit up. You see, he's a personal trainer, and he operates out of a gym at - you guessed it - Clarke Quay Central. And he's been suggesting for years that I pay more attention to my health and sign up for regular sessions with him. So, well, no more excuses.

And could I have started on this regime even if I had stayed at my previous firm? Perhaps. Would I have? Hahaha nope.

¹⁰ Sorry to keep banging this drum, but I'm still very pleased about this. And even if I had participated with another team, it would be amazingly arrogant for me to assume that I would have been part of the winning team.

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