I am pleased to share that my contribution to the Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases for 2020 has been published.

I am pleased to share that my contribution to the Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases for 2020 has been published.

I am pleased to share that my contribution to the Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases for 2020 has been published.

Published on:

30 Jul 2021


min read


I am pleased to share that my contribution to the Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases for 2020 has been published. Have a look, if you'd like to find out more about disciplinary proceedings involving:

(a) lawyers providing information to the media.¹ In one case, a lawyer disseminated copies of brief grounds of a decision, involving a parent's bid to legally adopt their surrogate child.² In another case, a lawyer held a press conference, in relation to a Malaysian who was sentenced to death for drug-related offences, and made statements about the state's purported attitude towards independent psychiatrists.

If you're thinking of slipping a hot tip to your journalist contact, consider first whether any rules would be breached;

(b) complainants appealing against the dismissal of their complaints.³ If your complaint against a lawyer's conduct has been dismissed, and you want to take it up further, make sure that your lawyer is familiar with the appeal regime (which the Court of Appeal referred to as "enigmatic and in need of review and reform");⁴ and

(c) the last will and testament of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew.⁵

Many thanks to P Padman,⁶ Andrew Tan, Yuan Jing Lim, and an anonymous referee for their assistance and insightful comments.


The content of this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.


¹ See [22.29] - [22.49].

² Further reading: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/gay-father-adopt-surrogate-son-singapore-11039384

³ See [22.62] - [22.76].

⁴ See [22.65].

⁵ See [22.2] - [22.17].


Supplementary Readings
Supplementary Readings

SAL Annual Review 2021

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