Published on:
16 Dec 2022
min read
Photo by Emile from Unsplash
As we head into the end of the year, what does your to-do-list look like?
Here's mine, in no particular order:
1. Book dental appointment.¹
2. Prepare Christmas presents.²
3. Issue invoices (before the GST increase kicks in).³
4. Use up SAL C$.⁴
5. Reduce tax liabilities via CPF / SRS contributions, and/or tax-eligible donations.⁵
6. Set out-of-office notification.⁶
7. Clear any remaining leave days.⁷
8. Enjoy not one, but two, long weekends.⁸
9. Conduct annual self-review.⁹
10. Rest and recharge.¹⁰
The content of this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.
¹ If your organisation has yearly dental benefits that expire at the end of the year. You could consider, for example, DP Dental | Certified B Corp ( - 👋 Louisa Lee, MA, FMCHC 李偉寧) or Advanced Medical and Dental Group ( - 👋Matthew Sng).
² It might actually be a little late for Christmas shopping.
³ From 1 January 2023, GST will increase from 7% to 8%. It is a fair assumption that our clients prefer to pay less tax wherever possible.
⁴ For Singapore Academy of Law members:
⁵ This deserves a post of its own - watch this space.
⁶ Come to think of it, my out-of-office notification has been in place for over a week already.
⁷ Where possible. I am sorry to say, however, that many of us will face tremendous difficulty doing so.
⁸ Probably more relevant for those who have managed to clear all their leave in good time.
⁹ Don't put this off. Before you know it, January will come around, and the moment will have passed.
¹⁰ Perhaps the most important item of all. Remember, folks: it's a marathon, not a sprint.